
Trabajo práctico Inglés 4to año T M y T T
(4to 1ra, 4to 3ra y 4to 4ta)

(Chicos, la idea es que lean el artículo sobre Coronavirus extraído de un diario y contesten las 5 preguntas del punto A y que en el punto B puedan escribir 1 situación que ya haya pasado en nuestro país por eso pasado simple y tienen el ejemplo en la consigna, 1 situación que esté pasando en este momento y algo que puede llegar a pasar en los próximos días, Pasado, presente y futuro. Si no recuerdan alguna estructura chequeen la carpeta del año pasado o búsquenlo en google. No usen el traductor, en todo caso usen diccionario, fíjense que hay varios online. No se preocupen si no logran entender palabra por palabra, la idea es que entiendan la idea general del texto.
El TP se entrega la 1ra clase después que volvamos a la escuela.)

Number of confirmed coronavirus cases rises to 79

Fourteen new diagnoses of coronavirus confirmed; Salta, Jujuy and Santa Cruz register their first cases.
Health officials on Tuesday evening confirmed another 14 cases of Covid-19 had been diagnosed in Argentina, pushing the total number to 79.
Salta, Jujuy and Santa Cruz provinces registered their first cases of coronavirus, the Health Ministry said, indicating the infection is still spreading.
Four of the new confirmed cases are in Buenos Aires City, two are in Buenos Aires Province, two are in Córdoba Province and the regions of Chaco, Jujuy, Salta, Río Negro, Entre Ríos and Santa Cruz have one.
The confirmed diagnoses in Entre Ríos and Santa Cruz provinces are foreign citizens.
Of the 14 new cases, 12 correspond to people with a history of recent travel to "risk areas," while two are a result of coming into contact with other confirmed cases.
To date "most cases are imported," said a statement from the Health Ministry, adding that "local transmission is detected via close contact, with no evidence of community transmission."
In total, there are 79 confirmed cases in Argentina, with two fatalities recorded – one in Capital Federal and the other in Chaco.
The patients are complying with quarantine, as established by the health authorities, the statement added.

Read the article above taken from “Buenos Aires times” newspaper and answer the following questions
How many confirmed cases are there in Argentina?
2-    Is the infection still spreading?
3-    Did all the cases travel to “risk areas” recently?
      4-   There are 2 fatalities registered in Argentina. Where did they occur?
      5-    Are the patients complying with the quarantine?

INGLES 4º 2ª

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